[]IMDS 소식: IMDS 기초화학물질에 ISO 명칭의 물질 22건 추가(ISO 1043-3, ISO 1043-4)

14 Mar 2024

IMDS 기초화학물질에 ISO 기준 명칭의 CAS No.(카스번호)가 없는 물질 22건이 추가됩니다. 

중국 자동차 표준 GB/T 19515 ‘자동차 재활용 법규’에 따르면 100g 초과 고분자 부품에 가소제나 난연제가 포함될 경우, ISO 1043-3과 ISO 1043-4에 따라 재질 마킹(Polymeric Parts marking)을 해야합니다.

재료 작성시 정확한 물질을 사용하고, ISO 1043-3, ISO 1043-4 기준으로 재질 마킹이 올바르게 되었는지 확인할 수 있도록 ISO 기준 명칭의 물질이 추가됩니다.(아래 목록 참고).

신규물질은 릴리스 14.3 반영일인 3월20일에 업데이트될 예정입니다.

기존 ISO 1043-3, ISO 1043-4 물질은 숨김처리될 예정입니다. ('24.4.29 에 숨김처리됨 -'24.5.7 확인

신규 물질

  1. ISO 1043-4 FR(10) aliphatic/alicyclic chlorinated compounds, not declarable
  2. ISO 1043-4 FR(11) aliphatic/alicyclic chlorinated compounds in combination with antimony compounds, not declarable
  3. ISO 1043-4 FR(12) aromatic chlorinated compounds, not declarable
  4. ISO 1043-4 FR(13) aromatic chlorinated compounds in combination with antimony compounds, not declarable
  5. ISO 1043-4 FR(14) aliphatic/alicyclic brominated compounds (excluding hexabromocyclododecane), not declarable
  6. ISO 1043-4 FR(15) aliphatic/alicyclic brominated compounds (excluding hexabromocyclododecane) in combination with antimony compounds, not declarable
  7. ISO 1043-4 FR(16) aromatic brominated compounds (excluding brominated diphenyl ether and biphenyls), not declarable
  8. ISO 1043-4 FR(17) aromatic brominated compounds (excluding brominated diphenyl ether and biphenyls) in combination with antimony compounds, not declarable
  9. ISO 1043-4 FR(22) aliphatic/alicyclic chlorinated and brominated compounds, not declarable
  10. ISO 1043-4 FR(26) aliphatically brominated block copolymer or that containing antimony compounds, not declarable
  11. ISO 1043-4 FR(27) brominated bisphenol alkyl ether or that containing antimony compounds, not declarable
  12. ISO 1043-4 FR(40) halogen-free organic phosphorus compounds, not declarable
  13. ISO 1043-4 FR(41) chlorinated organic phosphorus compounds, not declarable
  14. ISO 1043-4 FR(42) brominated organic phosphorus compounds, not declarable
  15. ISO 1043-4 FR(50) ammonium orthophosphates, not declarable
  16. ISO 1043-4 FR(51) ammonium polyphosphates, not declarable
  17. ISO 1043-4 FR(53) hypophosphites, not declarable
  18. ISO 1043-4 FR(54) organic ammonium phosphate, not declarable
  19. ISO 1043-4 FR(55) organic ammonium polyphosphate, not declarable
  20. ISO 1043-4 FR(73) organic zinc compounds, not declarable
  21. ISO 1043-4 FR(75) inorganic silicon compounds, not declarable
  22. ISO 1043-4 FR(76) organic silicon compounds (silicones), not declarable

숨김처리 물질 (목록 수정될 수 있음)

  1. Adipate plasticizer ISO 1043-3, not declarable
  2. Azelate plasticizer ISO 1043-3, not declarable
  3. Dibenzoate plasticizer ISO 1043-3, not declarable
  4. Furmarate plasticizer ISO 1043-3, not declarable
  5. Maleate plasticizer ISO 1043-3, not declarable
  6. o-acetylcitrate plasticizer ISO 1043-3, not declarable
  7. Phosphate plasticizer ISO 1043-3, not declarable
  8. Phthalate plasticizer ISO 1043-3, not declarable
  9. Polymeric plasticizer ISO 1043-3, not declarable
  10. Sebacate plasticizer ISO 1043-3, not declarable
  11. Trimellitate plasticizer ISO 1043-3, not declarable
  12. aliphatic fluorinated compounds, ISO 1043-4, not declarable
  13. Antimony compound, ISO 1043-4, not declarable
  14. Boron or zinc compound ISO 1043-4, not declarable
  15. Halogenated compound ISO 1043-4, not declarable
  16. Inorganic phosphorus compound ISO 1043-4, not declarable
  17. Metal oxide, hydroxide or salt ISO 1043-4, not declarable
  18. Nitrogen compound ISO 1043-4, not declarable
  19. Organic phosphorus compound ISO 1043-4, not declarable
  20. Silica compound ISO 1043-4, not declarable

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Head Office: 314, Gwanggyojungang-ro, Suji-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea

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Incheon Office : 22, Inha-ro 489beon-gil, Namdong-gu, Incheon, Korea 

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